Hey All, 

You’ve seen me posting a lot about “shame” on social media and I realize I should back up a bit and share the how/why I’m semi-obsessed.

A few years ago, I created an online course showing women how to be the source of their own happiness by breaking through the shame/judgment they were holding around their physical bodies and sexuality.

This wasn’t about being better in bed for someone else. It was about tapping into the deeply divine power that exists within each of us. 

Fast-forward to 2021. I’ve redone the videos for the course. Packed it with info and am ready to launch.

AND when it comes to posting about it on social media, I FREEZE!!!!!

WHAT THE...?!?!?! I’m not shy when I talk to people about the work I’m doing, so what’s the problem???

I realized I’m still holding shame and I have to practice what I preach.

After digging in to figure out what exactly I was afraid of, I could pin it down to a few boys (now grown ass men) from high school who follow me on Instagram. I was holding myself back from sharing something I’m so proud of because I think they’re going to talk shit about me in their group text. Of course, when I imagine it in my mind, it’s something like, “Did you see, Lizzi Cutler is teaching some class about sex for chicks?!?!” Which, for some, will be the end of the conversation, and for others may lead to, “Wish my wife would take it!” Either way, it won't affect me!

The point is, I’m sitting here addressing the power of facing shame and walking through it while I was letting my brain tell me that people I knew 20 years ago MIGHT judge/shame me and letting that keep me small!

In this case, I’m ripping the band-aid off and putting myself out there. Here’s the deal, without sounding too woo-woo, there is an energy that is released when we are having core-shaking, earth-stopping orgasms. Yet, instead of those, most of us are having quickie one-and-doners.

I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, I am saying, we’re missing out on unlocking the essence of your POWER by not paying closer attention.

I can say this because I experienced it. After getting divorced and being back on the dating scene, I was frustrated at the “quality” of my hook-up experiences. While I was complaining about it, a friend said, “That’s on YOU! YOU are responsible for your own orgasm!” As much as I hated to admit it, he was right.

I never realized I was waiting for a man to show me the magic of my body!!! If I couldn't make me happy, how could I expect someone else to?!?!

So, I did what I knew to do. I started reading and researching. It was the most fun I’d had in years. I gathered everything that worked and ditched what didn’t resonate. I dove straight in (wink wink) and did the work!!!!

As I played, I started to feel ALIVE again. I felt like I had slammed 3 espressos on a random Wednesday.

When I shared the down and dirty deets with friends and clients, we had to deal with words that make some of us cringe like “slut” and “pussy” as well as judgments like “my vajayjay isn’t pretty” and “it doesn’t always look/smell/feel good.” Side note, no one smells like roses every minute of every day - give yourself a break!

We had to get comfortable being uncomfortable talking about the #1 thing we were taught NOT to talk about.

And then...we started feeling connected. I want to stay connected. I’m choosing IN!

So, here I am, promising you to step out and say FUCK IT to any shame that’s thrown my way.

  • I’m going to share what I know and trust that the women who jump in will see massive benefits and start stepping into their TRUE, AUTHENTIC POWER.

  • I’m going to share what I know so more women can feel excited and energized about their life.

  • I’m going to share what I know because THAT’S WHAT WOMEN DO FOR EACH OTHER!

What shame are you holding onto? Email me, call me, text me. GET IT OUT! Shame thrives in a contained environment. SPEAK IT and take its power away!

Sending you all huge hugs,

