Life Coach - Stress Management Coach


1:1 Coaching

Together we will shift the blocks keeping you from achieving your goals and desires. When we remove the subconscious fears, doubts and misconceptions that impact our emotions, our lives begin to flow with ease.

When you can’t change the stressor, change the way you physically and emotionally RESPOND to stress.

If you’re wondering how in the world this works…watch this. Doing my best to explain the details! Still wondering? Set up a time for us to chat on the phone!

  • Release old fears

  • Delete limiting beliefs

  • Stop self-sabotage

  • Start creating the life you SAY you want

  • Recover from triggers faster and easier

In each Zoom session, I will help you understand what old programming is keeping you stuck and SHOW YOU HOW TO REMOVE IT! Think of this as a cleaning of your emotional closet.

Packages are customized with ongoing coaching between sessions. If interested in learning more details, schedule a call. I’ll ask you a few questions and tell you everything that I have going on so you can make a clear decision on which work feels right for you.

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After a few sessions with Lizzi, I noticed the issues coming up at work didn’t change, but my response to them did. I find myself able to handle any work crisis with a clear head and move on without letting the frustration spin in my mind for days. I feel I’m a better leader for my team now than I was 6 months ago.
— CM

Feeling really great. We removed a lot of blocks yesterday and I can feel myself really processing them throughout my day and in all my interactions/conversations/reactions. I’ve also noticed a shift in the way I’m thinking which is a HUGE relief. I feel like I have so many more options ahead of me than ever before and not stressed out by that as I may have felt when confronted with options in the past. It’s very freeing. I have more confidence in myself to take the next steps.
— GM

MAJOR shifts. My life has literally done a 180 since I started energy editing. After every session, a huge change would occur. I was in a really bad place in life - a job that I hated, leaving an emotionally abusive relationship, and having horrible self esteem as a result. Since I started energy editing I have a new job that I love and am completely over my last relationship. What’s really incredible is all of that happened FAST...over 6 months!
— MS

I feel an overall lightness, confidence, and have honestly never loved who I am more. Pretty incredible considering it took me 30+ years to be so comfortable in my own skin.
— BC

Personalized Meditation

Create a practice that suits your specific goals and needs. We will break down the details surrounding how to set you up for success and design customized recorded meditations for you to work with. This can be a single session or a regularly scheduled workout for your brain! All sessions are on Zoom allowing you to access your Zen without leaving your desk.

I find myself starting my day more alert (and I am NOT a morning person), more energetic, more focused and able to start work immediately, as opposed to an hour of muddling around the Internet and procrastinating. I also use her technique at the end of the day, to ease myself out of work mode and into home-and-family mode.
— GF